This Interesting Study Reveals What Your Selfies Say About Your Love Life

The million hashtags on your Instagram selfies might be fetching you a lot of likes and followers, but what this study reveals is something you could never tell. Researchers from the Florida State University have revealed that your selfies say a lot about your personal life, especially your romantic relationships.

12509888_1100747029935291_2507111172956335687_n.jpgJessica Ridgway and her assistant professor Russell Clayton recently revealed, “the results show that body image satisfaction can be detrimental to Instagram users’ romantic relationships, especially when users’ body image satisfaction is promoted in the form of Instagram selfie posts.”

The study was carried out on over 420 Instagram users and it was observed that those who were comfortable with their bodies posted selfies more frequently. The study also concluded that more the number of selfies, more they observed ‘Instagram related relationship conflict’, which basically means that posting a lot of selfies often results in jealousy amongst the partners and almost always results into arguments.

SelfieIn a nutshell, the study suggests that people who post a lot of Instagram selfies suffer from romantic conflict in their relationships. Does that observation stand true for you?

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